Monday, June 22, 2009

Wedding and Final Packing

The wedding went great. I think Heidi's mom is getting good at this. It's daughter number 4 to be married. It was still a hectic day, but other than a couple hickups from the d.j., a flower girl refusing to flower the aisle, and a minor dress stain, there were no other problems. It's a great sight to see two people, who truly love each other, pronounce that love for the rest of a lifetime. Tom and Jessie are officially married. We also found out this week that they are moving down to Houston...only about 3 1/2 hours from Dallas. It's pretty exciting for Heidi to have family within a days drive.

Heidi and I are almost finished packing for Europe, but our bags are a bit heavier than they should be for as much walking we're going to be doing with them. We've been going through and getting rid of stuff that we probably won't need.

I really want to visit my great-grandma's sister, she's 97. I used to visit my great-grandma regularly until she died when I was in my early teens. She was in her 90's when she died. I don't know how healthy my grandma's aunt is, but it sure would be great to hear some family stories.

Well, from here my dad is going to drive us into Grand Rapids, MI where we'll stay the night with my grandparents (the niece of my great aunt Josephine). They'll take us to the amtrak station early Tuesday morning. From there we're heading into Chicago where we'll meet up with Erika. She's volunteered to drive us to O'Hare, where we fly out at 5. We're supposed to land in Dublin at around 5 on the 24th. We then have a two hour layover where we eventually get into London at around 10 in the morning.

Well, I don't know when I'm going to be posting again, but, until next time!


  1. I'm glad that you two had a great time at the wedding!!! That's so cool that Jessie and Tom live will live so close to you guys!!!

    I really miss you guys here. The youth groups are definetly not the same without you. I'm really glad you have this blog so I can see what you're up to!

    I hope you have safe travels to England! I'm excited for you!! What countries are you going to?

    Talk to ya later!!! Have fun!

  2. See TJ you should have bought the toothpast-deoderant-laundry soap combo. You could have made your backpack lighter!
