Monday, May 25, 2009

Last Day with Pudge

Hey everybody. We've found a new owner for Pudge. We've put in a lot of time training him, and he's turned in to a great family dog, but because of financial reasons and warm Dallas summers we have decided it was best to give Pudge up. As we speak, Pudge is currently licking my feet. He's moving in with a woman who works with people who have disabilities. Pudge is going to go with her to make the rounds visiting people, and becoming a petting buddy to those with special needs. We've also posted a video of Pudge being Pudge.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you found a good home for Pudge! (I'll still miss him, though.) I like the video, it's cool. :)

    (How long did it take you to upload that? The videos for my blog took forever and a half to upload!)

    Thanks for doing this blog, I LOVE IT! Who usually writes the posts?

  2. TJ usually writes the blog.
    It did take a while. We started uploading it, walked away, did some stuff, came back...kept watching it upload, walked away, did some stuff, came back...and then it was done!
    Thanks for the comment, it actually feels like somebody is reading our blog now!
