Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Barcelona to Paris to Bayeux to Cherbourg - France

Well, we’re three days shy of being gone for a month. We’ve left Barcelona and headed north east. We took a 3 hour train to Cerbere, which is on the French/Spain border. It was a quaint resort town. Heidi and I ate pizza…which for the record tastes nothing like American pizza. We’re looking forward to eating some good old fashioned Pizza Hut style pizza. Regardless, we then jumped on a night train from Barcelona to Paris, which took all of about 12 hours. We got the last seat available on the train and one bed because there were no seats left. Although we were separated, after camping out for basically the last 2 weeks straight, we enjoyed sleeping on the train…especially the one who got the bed :). After arriving in Paris at 8:30 in the morning, we received a free 4 day pass to all the museums in Paris (from someone leaving Paris)…that was good for one last day. Heidi and I took advantage of it and went to the Louvre. We surprisingly, really enjoyed it, especially the free baggage storage. I guess they don’t want crazy backpackers knocking over priceless artifacts. After our incredibly lengthy hike from the train station to the Louvre with our backpacks, we decided that we would save about $5 and continue to walk around Paris. We have no idea how far we walked, but we managed to take some great pictures of us at the Eiffel Tower. We enjoyed Paris, and had no run-ins with the “Rude French”.
P.S. we got rid of the free pass to some Canadians.
Also, due to our lack of money and an urging to get back to the states (due to a number of things…wanting a real Diet Coke, Johnnies beef, a mattress, Heidi’s work calling and e-mailing her showing a desire for her to help them out, wanting an idea of where we’re moving to other than “Dallas”, and numerous other factors) we decided to see what our airline could do about getting us back to the states a week early. After a lot of busy work, a pricey phone bill, and a great kink in the plan leaving us in Ireland for 2 days, we’re on our way to the area where D-day/The Battle of Normandy took place and then taking a ferry to Ireland. Yay boat trips!
We’ll write more soon!


  1. Hey. I usually buy Stephanie something Irish for our anniversary. Is there someway we could work something out while you are in Ireland?

  2. Hey guys, Josie saw your blog and that you might be coming home a week early. She wants to talk and get more info so can you call her??? Pleaseeeee. Someone's got to plan ahead! If you can't get her you can go through me. You know the basics she needs -- day and time.

  3. Oh and amazing trip!! Incredible!

  4. oooo...lucky, you get to see Normandy, I would love to go there and see a lot of what D-Day was. I really like military history if you didn't know. Let me know what it was like if you get the chance to search around the area a little
