Okay, so this is way over due... but since we are now officially moved into our apartment, I have a few minutes before Heidi makes me go unpack the boxes that are strewn all over the place!
We got into Dallas late Monday night and decided to get a cheap-o hotel for the night and look at apartments in the morning. We slept well and started looking at around 8am. The first apartment we actually went into was listed on my school's website amongst other apartments for rent. We really liked it, but since it was the first one we looked at, we decided to hold off on getting too excited until we looked at a few more. Well, long story short, we couldn't find any better than the first. After inquiring with a realtor who told us we should "jump on it" because we won't find that good of a deal for such a nice place anywhere else, we went back to the landlord and told him we were interested. Unfortunately after filling out the paper work and actually writing a deposit check out, the landlord received a phone call from somebody he showed the apartment to the night before. He had verbally agreed to rent it to him if he could come up with the deposit, but the guy didn't call until around 2...right when we were signing all the paperwork. The landlord apologized and sent us on our way...a little confused as to what just happened. We were disappointed and back to square one. The only thing we could think of doing was sit in our car and talk over our plan. We talked about all the great benefits to the apartment we just looked at, and started looking at different areas. Unfortunately, they would be a lot further from my school. This place was less than 2 miles away. We were just about to start driving off when the landlord called us back to tell us that he made the executive decision to give us the apartment. Thank you so much for all who have been praying for us, it has been very evident that God has been helping us find our way.
Some friends helped us unpack our container today as well. We have been so blessed. Heidi wasn't looking forward to moving a couch up to our 2nd floor apartment! She did a great job at holding the door open for us as Dustin and I carried the couch up though:)
Our new address is
6234 Oram St.
Apt F
Dallas, TX 75214